
Sustainable Firewood & Kindling
Firewood sourced from the trimmings of Blue Gum Plantations in Western Victoria is the
most environmentally sustainable firewood available as it comes from managed renewable plantations. Do you know where your
firewood comes from, and is it CO2 neutral? Check out this
publication from Victorian National Parks Association
listing the most sustainable firewood.

Creativity + Timber = The Wall Collective
Click the image to check out brilliantly creative products designed and produced by local artisans using
Birch Designer Ply from Bendigo Timber.

Jarrah Sleepers
Jarrah garden grade sleepers are now available in 200x75mm and 200x50mm, both 2.4m long. To keep the deep red-brown colour use a good quality
decking oil such as Haymes Natural Decking Oil.

Sustainable Firewood & Kindling
Firewood sourced from the trimmings of Blue Gum Plantations in Western Victoria is the
most environmentally sustainable firewood available as it comes from managed renewable plantations. Do you know where your
firewood comes from, and is it CO2 neutral? Check out this
publication from Victorian National Parks Association
listing the most sustainable firewood.

Nordic Whitewood & Redwood
Sourced by Wright Forest Products
from the Baltics and made to exacting European standards, these high end quality products give an extraordinary
natural timber look to any project. Lunawood is attractive and durable being treated using only high temperatures and steam
to make a natural wood product that will last both indoors and outdoors. Permapine uses a certified and increasing baltic pine
resource for architectural and heritage floors and walls.